Monday, March 31, 2008

She's Alive.... ALIVE!

I mailed my portfolio for National Boards on Friday!!! I have rejoined society!!! It does feel strange to, you know, relax on a weekend. But I think I could get used to this. It was surreal, surrendering a year's worth of work to a USPS employee for $9, but I quickly remedied that odd feeling with a giant mai tai at the West 5. Ahhh. Now I just have to take the exam in late May, and then wait for my scores to arrive around Thanksgiving time. La la la...

I have much to report, three finished projects to share, a long queue of dreamy projects to begin (or continue!). But let me just ease back into this blogging thing with the help of the Peanut:

Toddler Explains the Economic Stimulus Plan: