This post is dedicated to Suzanne, who dared to post the following comment to my blog:
You're the rain???? Wow. You're hardcore!
Ahem...ummmm you speak much of this Raspberry Jacke! but the proof is in the pictures. So get to snappin' and scanning.
First of all, being called "hardcore" for running literally made Diet Dr. Pepper spray out of my nose. I've never been called "hardcore" for anything, especially anything physical. If I told my brother about this comment, he'd laugh his head off, roll his eyes, and tell you stories about how much yardwork/wood stacking he had to do in his youth while his bookworm sister had her head glued to some sort of novel or other. (I'd deny that it was as bad as that, but yeah.)
But to practically DARE me to present proof of a Raspberry Jacke?
All I can say is BRING IT ON!
Presenting: Raspberry Jacke
Pattern: The ubiquitous Rebecca Magazine 27, Pattern 25 (Aprikot Jacke)
Yarn: Rowan All Seasons Cotton. Color: Kiss
Needles: Addi Turbos, #8
Silvia said I could call myself a Rebecca Rebel as soon as I bossed this poorly edited pattern around! Oh yeah!
I found that the ASC looked much better at 18 stitches per 10cm than the prescribed 16 st. per 10cm. It was much too floppy on bigger needles. So I knit the larger size at the smaller gauge in order to achieve the smaller size. And yes, I did do the math and it turned out perfectly to spec. Yay math!Husband and I thought that it looks better on my boobalicious self to wear Raspberry open. That skinny German model can prance around the park with her sweater closed all she wants. Heh. Boy, this All Seasons Cotton is just as soft and sproingy to wear as it is to knit!
I love the buttons I finally found at Button Shoppe. The pattern calls for tiny mother of pearl buttons, but with this deeper color, I thought that darker buttons went better. These are the yin to the mother of pearl yang.
One more action shot as I leave you for the night... Please forgive the whack bathroom shots. Now you know all of my beauty secrets (who can spot the Origins and LUSH products mixed in with the Aleve and who knows what?). Seattle is very grey and gloomy this week. I'll be wearing this outfit tomorrow to the theater for a play and a knit-in in the lobby. I found this camisole at the GAP outlet at the end of summer -- it matches perfectly!
Take that, Suzanne!! :)