My fellow knittarians.
I have been a full-on blogging slacker. I have been spending way too much time on Ravelry (darn them and their Friends Activity page! and their kazillion interesting forums!) and reading all of your blogs instead of writing posts to my own.
Let's just get up-to-date, shall we?
Blue Sky Alpaca Scoop Neck Vest
This would be, for anyone else, a very quick and dirty project. I had to, of course, reknit the scoop neckline several times (wrong numbers, wrong numbers, doubt about the neckline itself, etc. etc.) until I finally just decided to knit the dang thing. I'm using Blue Sky Alpaca Organic Cotton in Pickle (snatched up at the Hilltop fire sale a few months ago), which is a beautiful yarn, but I think I would pair this pattern with a wool if/when I were to do it all over again. I've been doubting this pairing all along and I think that's psychically slowing me down. All I have to do is decide how long to knit the dang straps -- I've already seamed up the sides for goodness sake! (note: why didn't I just knit it in the round?) -- and finish off the edges.
Tangled Yoke Cardi
After having knit the body *almost* to the armholes, I set this thing aside for MONTHS. I mean, I started it in October! haha. So a couple of weeks ago I picked it up again and almost slapped myself on the forehead for it all. Each sleeve has taken me only about a week of knitting in the round. I am modifying the cuff so it won't be as floppy on me. But then... I stop myself and ask if this will fit me in the bust. I try it on and it's snug. I think about adding a little more length anyway, and while I'm at it I might as well add some short rows for more bust room. Whenever I start questioning things and having to think it all through, there is really only one thing to do: start another project! Isn't that what we all do?? /chirping
Mirabella Cardigan

This is from Interweave Knits Spring 2008. I love the tailored silhouette. I brought the Blue Sky Alpaca Worsted Hand Dye to knit night with me Tuesday and started the knitted hem. This is my first knitted hem and it is so lovely and finished looking! It's wonderful to work with a larger needle for a bit. I'm getting perfect row and stitch gauge on a US9. The waist ribbing is cleverly done on a smaller needle (I'm using a US7) to bring in the waist a bit more. The yarn is delicious... bought at that same Hilltop Yarn fire sale, in 2-3 various dyelots, but I'm alternating them as I go and they're just melting together gorgeously.

Not sure if you can see from this photo, but the darts (left side) where I'm K2TOG are lining up perfectly; the darts with SSK (right) are zigzaggy. Anyone know what I'm doing wrong? Row 1 has the decrease and Row 3 has a slipped stitch. Anyway, I'm planning to knit the back in a medium and the front in a large and see what that looks like... may also add short rows... we'll see. By that point I'm sure I'll be starting something else! ha!
Churchmouse Excursion
I went to Churchmouse Yarn and Tea on Bainbridge Island last week for the first time. What a lovely shop with friendly employees. I bought Norah Gaughan's Volume 3. On my way out, the DHL man was bringing in eleven cases of yarn. The ladies realized it was a Malabrigo shipment and suggested we come back after lunch to see what was inside! The ladies opened up the boxes and brought out bagful after bagful of the chunky that I was looking for... we were like a bunch of kids on Christmas morning! I came home with these pretties:
Clockwise, slightly washed out photos: Pagoda, Saphire Green, Velvet Grapes, Tortuga