Yesterday, I went to visit my friend Sue at Little Knits. I'm looking at two great yarns for a couple of projects I want to make, including the Union Square Market Pullover from the most recent Interweave Knits. If her rep can get the two colors I want, I'll show and tell... if not, that just means I get to go back over and play with yarn some more!
In the meantime, I joined the Union Square KAL, because clearly I need more projects.

I just noticed that my little blog has 50 subscribers already. Wow! Hi everybody! I hope you don't all think I'm obsessed with my boobs. I was chuckling to myself that I should've called my blog Bustline or something. But I've lost a good amount of weight over the past year or two, and I'm still getting used to what I look like and what sizes I wear. Too bad my brain takes longer to get used to it all than my actual body does. Body image and all.
And try applying that to choosing the right sizes for handknit sweaters...? That's where the obsession lies, if there is one. Especially after yesterday when I found out that my bra size has changed again. My band size has finally gone down to 34. But guess what? You can add another D to my (ha ha). I've changed alphabetically to an F! Gah! The woman who was helping me was really great, but when she offered me a G, I said, "NOOOO!". Thank goodness I tried it anyway and it was way too big. So now 50+ perfectly nice knitty strangers know all about my boobs. Isn't that swell. :P
In other news, tonight we go to an Independence Day party on a house boat on Lake Union. It's the perfect place in Seattle to see the fireworks. Have you seen Sleepless in Seattle? That's the house boat! No kidding!