I can't knit fast enough (or is it that I just don't have enough time in my day?) to keep up with all the inspiration.
This is really gorgeous. Mer was the one to introduce the pattern on her blog a couple of days ago; I haven't been able to stop thinking about it ever since. I keep reading the Drops pattern (free!) and after reading through the English translation several times I understand the construction and instructions well enough to want to do it. Someday. Here's my question... take a look at the diagram first:
If you knit something like this, which has one main piece that's a circle knit in the round from the inside out, how would you splice/attach each new ball of yarn if you're using a yarn that isn't feltable? See, I'm in love with spit-splicing whenever possible, but if I use a blend of fibers that doesn't include wool or other animal fibers, what's the best bet? There aren't side seams to hide ends into.
I saw this Drops design a while back, too, and thought it was lovely. The shaping is right up my alley. I have a bag of purple Misti Alpaca Sport that I was going to use for a Union Square Market Pullover, but this would be a much more flattering line on me. It's still a possibility. Someday.
And finally, I'm in love with Starsky. I can't help it. It's a great look! I don't have anything like it. I'm curious, though, about the designer's suggestion that it be knit with 8" of ease based on the bust measurement. If you're a medium sized gal with a large bustline, do you still want that much ease? These are the questions that keep me up at night.