Saturday, March 11, 2006

Invasion of the Body Snatchers

Remember this girl?

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Well, she looks like this now:

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My only conclusion is that my home has been attacked by Pod People, and I'm carrying some alien life form under my skin. I feel lots of kicks and wiggles, especially after eating and at bedtime. Yesterday while I was teaching, I think the baby was doing downward dog, pointing its little butt toward my belly button. Good times. We're at the point now (25-26 weeks) where I'm just starting to feel uncomfortable if I eat too much lunch at once, and where I'm feeling the smallest kicks in the ribs. Oh, and I'm starting to waddle. I can only imagine how much more beautiful it's all going to be over the next three months.

It's funny how I look differently depending on what I'm wearing each day. This past week, several people have approached me and told me that I'm going to have a boy because I'm carrying the little sprout high and my belly is pointy. Also, some people are really irritated with me for not finding out the baby's gender. I gotta have a few good surprises in my life, you know?

Meanwhile, my cat, Lennon, is also behaving strangely; do the Pod People have Pod Cats?

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You know how fraidy cats are about vacuum cleaners; both Julian and Lennon run full throttle to the furthest corner of the house whenever they see the vacuum come out of the closet. But now Lennon is showing a preference for the blow dryer. He likes to sit on the toilet and watch me dry my hair. Sometimes I'll aim the hot air toward him and he goes crazy for it! I could make some really tasteless joke about preferring blowing over sucking, but that would probably cross the line.

Finally, do you ever remember feeling so much joy over such a little thing like walking? This is my wee friend Anya, having the time of her life. I have to remind myself to slow down and enjoy the smallest things.

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Knitting content to come... tomorrow?